Dandi's export feature provides a downloadable image of any graph (including its metadata information) within the product. Our recent update to this feature now enables you to display a highlighted segment and hover state within the export, for further customizability.
Feature details
The export feature can be accessed on any graph, simply by clicking on the export icon and selecting "Export as Image".
The exported image includes the same information in the graph that is displayed in your browser. This enables reports to be exported and displayed independently, with the appropriate metadata included to provide context for the graph.
You now have the ability to export a graph with a specific segment highlighted, including its hover state information display. This provides further customizability to your exported report.
Here's how to take advantage of this feature:
- In any graph, hover over a segment label (so you see the hover state) and click on it. This will now hold hover state in place even when you move your cursor away (you’ll see a small "x" appear at the top right of the hover state when it’s activated).
- While the hover state is activated, choose the "Export as Image" option from the export icon. The downloaded graph now includes the segment you highlighted, including the hover state data.
- Simply click the "x" on the hover state to then close it. You can also hit the "Escape" key on your keyboard to close the hover state.
This works for the column graphs as well - note that you can hover over and click any column to activate its hover state data and perform the export.
The exportable reports are best used when sharing Dandi analyses with others in your company (typically the broader HR team and upper management). With the ability to choose specific segments and hover state information in the export, you no longer need to customize the images yourself when building your presentations.
Sample export: