Dandi Collect lets you see your data completeness for each HR system connected to Dandi, including prioritized areas for data collection.
It can be accessed from the left navigation bar and is available to Administrators and Editors within your account.
Reviewing data completion
Data completion is displayed via horizontal bars that represent the percentage completion of each data field. The overall data completion percentage is shown to the left of the bar graph. Each data source connected to Dandi (e.g. HRIS, ATS) will have its own data completion module displayed on this page.
After your second data refresh and subsequent ones, a percentage value in parentheses is shown next to the fields that displays the change in completion from the previous month’s data pull. You can use this to monitor your data collection efforts over time.
Note that any custom fields will also be displayed in the appropriate data source’s list. To add custom HR data fields to your Dandi account, please reach out to your customer support representative.
Dandi refreshes your data through your HR integrations on a monthly basis by default. Note that Dandi only displays active employees’ data completion.
Voluntary Self Identification
Certain fields like gender and ethnicity are optional for employees and can result in low completion rates when you first import your data into Dandi. Completion rates can be increased with proper communication to your employee base and voluntary self identification best practices. If you’d like to learn more about how to implement these efforts internally, please contact your customer success representative.